Decor Day Dreams

Creative Easter Decor

egg sprinklesWith Easter just around the corner, a lot of people are looking for ways to make decorations for it creative and new. Luckily, there are a lot of great, creative and fashionable ideas for you to just that if you are in the mood for something new. Most all of them are simple enough to do if you are hoping to add a little more to your holiday decorations.

Add a Little Lace

lace wrapped basket

Easter is a holiday that is generally thought of as a new beginning. It comes during the spring. Most little girls and boys go out egg hunting wearing pretty pastel colors. Most egg baskets are lightly colored. Flowers are starting to bloom, and everything takes on a “delicate” look. This is why lace is an easy thing to add to most decorations. You can cover an old wicker basket with lace to give it a new look and perhaps make it a special basket for the child in your life. You can also fill it with eggs and perhaps put a bunny inside of it for use as your holiday centerpiece.

Fabric Carrots and More

fabric carrotsIf you have the ability to sew at all, fabric carrots could be a fun project for you this Easter. All you have to do is purchase some bold orange colored fabric, polka dots and other patterns are cute as well, and sew them into a carrot shape. You stuff them with fluff and put them out as bunny treats if you want to. You can also make eggs with boldly colored fabrics, bunnies out of fabric, and more. There really is no limit to the possibilities and you can even try out different fabric textures to create even more to see.

Silk Dyed Eggs

silk dyed eggsIf you have a tie, or anything else that is 100% silk, you have the chance to make beautifully colored eggs with ease. Some say that the uglier the tie is, the prettier the eggs will be. All you have to do is make sure that you do not use the polyester ties that are available, and you may want to check your local thrift store to see what ties they have to save money while you are at it. You will want to start by removing any and all lining in the tie and then cut it down further so that it will cover an egg when you wrap the egg with it. Wrap the egg with the boldest colors toward the egg and make sure that you wrap it tightly, otherwise your egg will not turn out fully colored.  After it is wrapped with silk, put the egg in another, light colored fabric, an old pillow case that you no longer need is ideal. Boil the egg in vinegar with 1/4 cup of vinegar. Cook for 20 minutes and then let them cool. Remove the fabric and enjoy what you have created. To add shine to dried eggs, you only need to rub them down lightly with a little vegetable oil and then enjoy everyone’s reaction to your beautifully decorated eggs.

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